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Creating a new experiment using NMR Director's experiment library



NOTE: Use these steps when you are instructed to create a new experiment in your account from an experiment in the account of your NMR Director. You have to be instructed what exact folder name to look for. If you were not - please, contact your NMR Director.


In the tutorial below, I was instructed to create a new experiment from Setup-31P/1 folder in my NMR Director account ekovrigu. 

Step 1. Click "File" menu

Step 2. Click "Open" 

Step 3. Make sure the "Bruker format" is selected and click "OK"



Step 4. In the dialog click arrow down in the  path window

and select the root level folder:

you will see the root folder view:


Step 5.  Double-click 'nmrdata'



Step 6.  Double-click the folder of your NMR Director: "ekovrigu"

Step 7.  Double click on a folder that you were instructed to copy parameters from: here, Setup-31P

Step 8.  Select the EXPNO (the numerical folder) and click "Display"

Step 9.  Click Start : Create Dataset

Step 10. Set DIR (directory) to your own account: 

Step 11.  Finalize:

    1. Update EXPNO (enter 1)
    2. Make sure a radio button for "Use current parameters" is checked
    3. Verify your directory with your ID is visible in the DIR window
    4. Enter a meaningful title for your experiment
    5. Click OK to apply all these changes

Step 12.  Update parameters to the current probe

VERY IMPORTANT: Issue getprosol on the Topspin command line to set parameters for the current probe.

Step 13. 

At this point this experiment is located in your own account. Proceed with the normal sequence:

  1. rsh bbfo-latest
  2. lock
  3. atma
  4. ro on
  5. topshim
  6. adjust the experimental parameters such as O1, SW1, D1, NS, etc.
  7. check time: expt
  8. rga
  9. zg



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